Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, International Edition, 13e

1,214.001,380.00 (-12%)

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Author :Anne Waugh and Allison Grant
ISBN :9780702072772
Publisher :Elsevier
Edition :13th
Year :2018
Pages :584
Product Type :paperback
Condition :New
Subject :Anatomy & Physiology

SKU: ELS072772 Categories: , Brand:

The new edition of the hugely successful Ross and Wilson Anatomy & Physiology in Health and Illness continues to bring its readers the core essentials of human biology presented in a clear and straightforward manner. Fully updated throughout, the book now comes with enhanced learning features including helpful revision questions and an all new art programme to help make learning even easier. The 13th edition retains its popular website, which contains a wide range of ?critical thinking? exercises as well as new animations, an audio-glossary, the unique Body Spectrum? online colouring and self-test program, and helpful weblinks. Ross and Wilson Anatomy & Physiology in Health and Illness will be of particular help to readers new to the subject area, those returning to study after a period of absence, and for anyone whose first language isn?t English.

Additional information

Weight0.5 kg
Dimensions25 × 21 × 4 cm

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Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, International Edition, 13e

1,214.001,380.00 (-12%)