Orell and Sterrett’s Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, 5e

6,324.007,270.00 (-13%)

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Author :Sterrett and Orell
ISBN :9788131231166
Publisher :Elsevier
Edition :5th
Year :2011
Pages :496
Product Type :Hardcover
Condition :New
Subject :Pathology


Orell & Sterrett ‘s Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 5e provides you with a logical and systematic approach to the acquisition, interpretation and diagnosis of FNA biopsy samples. It is an ideal resource for all those requiring an authoritative and systematic review of the cytological findings in those malignant and benign lesions likely to be the target of FNA. The book is lavishly illustrated with high quality colour images that demonstrate the cytological features as well as their relevant immunohistochemical and molecular findings. Organized into anatomical regions, each chapter is consistently organized into two parts: the first deals with clinical and technical aspects followed by a systematic presentation of cytological findings. This is your perfect practical bench resource for daily reference in the laboratory.

Additional information

Weight0.5 kg
Dimensions25 × 21 × 4 cm

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Orell and Sterrett's Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, 5e

6,324.007,270.00 (-13%)

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