104 Clinical Cases In Medicine Presentation And Discussion

360.00450.00 (-20%)

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Author : Chugh S.N.
ISBN : 9788123926384
Publisher : CBS Publication
Edition : 1/e
Year : 2015
Pages : 267
Binding Type : Paperback


The book aims to serve the interest of undergraduate students preparing for their professional examination and clinical posting in medicine. It gives 104 clinical cases in medicine with focus on presentation and discussion. The text has been written keeping in mind the fact that during the final year practical examination students do not get sufficient time between the examinations of different specialties i.e. obstetrics and gynecology surgery medicine and pediatric and the entire subject has to be covered in only one or two days and hence the usefulness and Importance of this concise book. The book aims to help the students prepare with confidence and face the examiner,each case discussion contains maximum questions and answers on the subject likely to be asked. It is handy can be taken along during ward posting. Each case report discussed with appropriate illustration the complete mental Impression about the case. History Interpretation and elicitation of clinical given in detail. Written in a simple language for easy comprehension. Covers a large number of cases so as to provide an overall view of medicine; this will help the students in preparing for theoretical discussion also.

Additional information

Weight0.4 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 × 2 cm

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104 Clinical Cases In Medicine Presentation And Discussion

104 Clinical Cases In Medicine Presentation And Discussion

360.00450.00 (-20%)

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